Year 6 Transition
2024/25 Transition Information
Starting a new school can be a daunting prospect, so from well before Year 6 students have their places confirmed with us, we work with the primary schools to ensure that they feel part of Ixworth High School even before they apply. In the years before a student makes the transition to Ixworth High School, they might be involved in or attend:
Open Evenings & Mornings – our next Year 5 and 6 Open Evening is Thursday 12 September 2024. Please see our Events Calendar for further dates.
A School Production;
Transition Events on Sport, MFL, Technology, Maths, English or Science;
Lessons with teachers and students visiting primary schools (including year groups other than, and as well as, Year 6);
Visits to the Year 6 students from staff;
Taster and Transition Days for our September 2025 Year 7 students – we are holding a Meet the Tutor Evening on Thursday 12th June and Transition Days on Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 June 2025.
Below are a list of the Primary Schools from where our current Year 7s came from. As our school continues to grow, we look forward to developing our relationships with all of these schools further.
And it doesn’t stop when they arrive!
A student’s first week at Ixworth High School will begin with a welcome day, where they will work with the Head of Lower School, their Tutor team, teachers, and other staff to ensure they quickly feel like a member of Ixworth High School. Students will cover all aspects from how the School day runs, to the 6Cs to Success, as well as Enrichment and the lessons themselves. It is always a wonderful start to life at Ixworth High School for the new Y7 students.
Our SENDCO Mrs Boothe has a vast amount of experience in the role of Transition, and brings great skills and dedication to ensuring that every single new Year 7 student is settled on their first day at Ixworth High School by working with students, parents, primary schools and staff at Ixworth High School throughout the whole process.
Many students do not come to Ixworth High School from a local primary school, and the inclusion team work hard to ensure that these students are just as confident and feel as important as every other student making the transition to Ixworth High School.
The majority of students find the whole process of transition exciting and fulfilling, but some students are always more worried than others. As well as the huge team of staff on hand to support the students, every student will complete and own a Personal Education Plan (PEP), which they will co-write with their Form Tutor. The PEP will then be developed throughout the student’s time at School; reflecting and reporting on their educational journey.
Personal Goals
Students are given the opportunity to share their individual strengths and interests to assist teachers in the planning of personally relevant lessons. They are guided in the exploration of personal life goals with a focus on how schooling can help them be reached.
Barriers to Learning
The tutor will collect information from the Inclusion register to create a full picture of the individual.
Teaching Strategies
The Inclusion Leader will liaise with parents/carers and external professionals to explore any essential teaching strategies to support individuals’ needs.
If a student requires a specific resource in order to access learning it will be outlined in their PEP.
School and External Provision / Intervention
All teaching staff are responsible for the recording of interventions and any external provision they are aware the student receives.
Statements of Special Educational Needs
PEPs will also be the format used to monitor progress towards meeting objectives as identified in Statements.
Parental Involvement
We appreciate that parents/carers have a wealth of information on their children that can positively inform our practice. PEPs are shared with parents / carers who are invited to regularly discuss them with tutors, teachers and the SENDCO. This will form a part of the formal reporting cycle.
Transition to Ixworth High School is an overwhelmingly positive experience and we will work with each and every individual student and their family to ensure that we meet their hopes and their expectations.
If you have any further questions regarding the transition process, then please email the school –
At Ixworth High School we operate a cash free system for all payments in school.
enables you to pay for School meals and other items such as School trips;
offers a highly secure payment site;
gives you a history of all the payments you have made.
How does Arbor help you?
gives you the freedom to make payments to School whenever and wherever you like;
stops you having to write cheques or search for cash to send to School;
gives you peace of mind that your payment has been made safely and securely.
If you have any questions about transition please contact Mrs Kathryn Hale, by email, on the following address: