Teaching and Learning

Teaching and learning is underpinned by the best and most current research, alongside tried and tested routines and practices that allow each and every student to secure the very best outcomes within the framework of a knowledge-based and vocabulary rich curriculum. Although all elements might not appear in every single lesson, many of them are expected to appear in most lessons.


Students will enjoy a purposeful environment, learning for all lessons.

The teacher is the expert in the room and will drive and check, systematically, the learning. There will be times where students work in silence to help develop their resilience and embed subject knowledge and particular skills. Students will be asked to produce extended responses which practise key knowledge and processes.


All teachers are leaders of knowledge in their specialism and will design rigorous lessons.

The teacher will plan challenging questions and ask them within the spirit of a “no opt-out culture”. Our expectations are such that all students will meet the required academic standard. Students need to master their learning and teachers will guide them as they practise their new learning in small chunks; this will allow students to commit knowledge and skills to long term memory and, therefore, consolidate learning. Teachers will model thinking aloud.


Students will benefit from a knowledge rich curriculum.

Students will be asked to think, pose questions and engage in challenging rhetoric. Teachers will present exciting content that hooks and intrigues learners. Lessons will foster curiosity and inspire creative thinkers.


Students will receive feedback in every lesson; this will include feedback on spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Our students will receive formal and “in the moment” feedback. They will respond to the formal feedback in green pen. Teachers will use written feedback cycles to pick up on student misconceptions and to plan and adjust their next sequence of lessons.


Our curriculum is more than a series of lessons. It’s a rich tapestry woven together to provide our students with a foundation for life.

Teachers will plan a sequence of lessons in a coherent and structured way allowing students to connect their learning to prior learning, however, learning is not just about remembering and recall. Our students will be able to apply, make connections in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts.


Teachers foster positive relationships and build on mutual respect with all students.

Students will work with their teachers and peers to create a positive learning environment. They will demonstrate highly positive attitudes and commitment to their learning. Teachers will seek to broaden and develop all students’ interests and sense of pride. Teachers will strive to fire imaginations and foster a love of learning.