Special Educational Needs
At Ixworth High School, we recognise that every child is unique. We are committed to working together with all members of our community to provide the best possible education for the pupils in our care. Our staff are passionate and committed to meeting the needs of all our children and strive to break down any barriers that are preventing children from making the progress they are capable of. As a school, we recognise the importance of not only supporting children’s academic progress but also developing their abilities by inspiring, enabling and celebrating each and every young person’s personal best to create an outstanding learning community for all.
As part of the Children and Families Act 2014, Suffolk County Council are required to publish a ‘Local Offer’ which outlines the support that is accessible for children with SEND in the local area.
Mrs C Boothe
Deputy Headteacher and SENCO
Email: c.boothe@ixworthhighschool.org